Tech Burner Net Worth


The estimated net worth of Tech Burner is $3M which is around 14 Crores in Indian rupees. This is the income from his YouTube channel only.

Source of Income

The main source of income is from YouTube ads (Google AdSense). Tech Burner also makes money from affiliates and sponsored videos.

Real name of Tech Burner

Shlok Shrivastava is the man behind the Tech Burner channel who started his YouTube journey in 2014.

Tech Burner’s new project

Tech Burner has recently launched a new project called Layers which is basically a mobile skin company that sells stylish skins for smartphones.

Age of Tech Burner

Born in 1995, Shlok Shrivastava (aka Tech Burner) is just 27 years old. His birthday comes on 3rd December. He lives in New Delhi, India.

What is Tech Burner all about

Tech Burner is a YouTube channel that publishes videos mainly on tech content. Their main motive is to make tech simple and interesting for all.

Total subscribers

As of now, the Tech Burner channel has 9.6 Million subscribers with around 1K videos. It’s the 2nd largest tech channel in India after Technical Guruji.